if you are seeing this page

You're still connected to your local Wi-Fi instead of PYXEL™. Open your Wi-Fi network list and look for the "PYXEL" network. Connect to it and then try again. It may take a few seconds to load.

If PYXEL won't connect to your device

Make sure that PYXEL has been charged for at least an hour. Make sure PYXEL's power switch is turned on. You can try rebooting PYXEL by switching it off, waiting 30 seconds, and switching it back on. You may also need to adjust your network features. Since PYXEL's Wi-Fi is not internet-enabled, your device may disconnect from PYXEL in favor of a network that connects to the internet. On your usual Wi-Fi networks, disable the auto-connect feature; then enable auto-connect for the PYXEL network. Connect to